It's so wonderful to see how a tiny human’s sensuality is so pure. Enjoying the water and sand on his feet, the sucking sensation of water flowing in and out between his toes. Kicking his feet in the sand and feeling how water and mud splash up onto his legs. Now and then he looks into the horizon before him, quietly, sensing whatever he experiences in that. He’s taking it all in, with curiosity, fully emerged in the moment. I believe it’s so good to give our kids all the time and space to experience these kind of things. Instead of surrounding them with noisy colorful toys to distract them from wanting our attention, from wanting to experience life together with us. Instead of trying to fit them into the busy schedules of our modern society. Opportunity and space for sensuality in experience, gives free play to their natural curiosity, imagination and joy for life. What a wonderful preparation for adult life! And just so enjoyable to jump into the moment with them, and turn your own sensuality on 🌊 |
Let op: Mijn nieuwsbrief is langzaam weer aan het opstarten na zwangerschapsverlof en op dit moment nog bijna voltijd mama zijn. Nog even niet wekelijks dus!
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